
Showing posts from April, 2014

SSMS 2012 - Template Modification

Ran into a situation where i needed to modify the standard templates that SSMS uses to Create Stored Procedures, Functions, and some other scripts. Problem: I did not know where to find these templates. First Solution: Goto Code Snippet Manager and modify snippets. Problem with this is that it requires you to create the XML snippet file and even then requires you to put it in, either the Public or Your Profile's, My Snippets folder. This does not solve the immediate problem as i would rather use the Context menu's New Stored Procedure (Function, etc). After-Thought: This solution though is great for things such as doing standard Select Statements for your organization.

SP2013: WebPart Attributes with Scope

Recently, I needed to find what Attributes i could use to either Enhance functionality or simply Lock down certain properties.  As such, I will start cataloging them in short with link-backs to MSDN. Seems to be a lack of a reliable Index, that i could find.  So as i find them I will be indexing them here, so at least i know its out there.

Cloud - Azure/SharePoint Development

Just created my Windows Azure free Trial. Wish me luck, going to see if i can really do the SharePoint Development i need with this, tentatively, Free Trial.

WebPart - InPlace Custom Property editing

Bear with the formatting, this Blog engine is old and getting on my nerves.  Time for an upgrade after 8 yrs :P Spent some time working on a WebPart implementation, where i wanted to edit the webpart in place instead of constantly clicking the glorious Edit WebPart for the WebPart object. So after some research, found a great article from  MATHIEU DESMARAIS  about the design patterns and logic flow. The main difference i had from his design, was i was prescribing the way the View/Edit Modes would be represented with the HTML syntax. I will not bore you with the details of getting up to this point, as there are numerous amounts of posts out there. I will although focus on the details of how i took Mathieu's implementation and modified for a Static set. Some of the pitfalls i had, probably because his was on demand control creation and mine is predefined. Notes to take mind of: This Implementation is for a SQL Connection Webpart. As such, you will notice...