
Showing posts from May, 2014

Mustache Helper functions

Recently, implemented the Mustache Template processing framework.  As i worked through this implementation, i found myself creating the same JavaScript call and decided to simplify the overall execution into a single function signature and just call it multiple times. Root Mustache Call: 1: /********************************************************************* 2: @file - string value, Should be the HTML Template file. 3: @filterid - string value, Should the ID value of the Script tag inside 4: @file to obtain the HTML content. 5: @api - string value, Should be the URL to the API request 6: @dest - string value, Should be the destination selector, ideally ID 7: value of the control to load the Mustache Template into. 8: @func - (Nullable) Function value, If defined this will be executed 9: after the loading of the data into the Template. 10: --------------------------------------------------------------------...

Search Instance for a Stored Procedure usage

References: Peter Chamley MSSql Tips - Greg Robidoux: Listing SQL Server Object Dependencies Recently, I had the need to skim acrossed all the databases on a single instance.  In doing so I figured that the infamous 'sp_msforeachdb' undocumented stored procedure would be useful but was unsure on the methodology or pattern to implement.